“I dreamed of a different life”
You have hopes and dreams, but you feel it is difficult to achieve them.
As a child, you perhaps dreamed of being an architect, a lawyer, an entrepreneur, or to find love.
Now, you feel that you are not there or that you reached those goals but feel empty, disconnected, and lonely.
Psychological pain is as real as physical pain. Sometimes, it needs treatment, just like physical pain.
I am here to help you!
We will explore your past, your present, and walk together to find solutions to troubling issues. Those solutions will lead to healing your pain, so you can fully enjoy your life.
Exploring in a secure and safe place
My clients often tell me that they feel safe, understood, and authentic. They feel free to be themselves.
As Virginia Satir said, “I believe the greatest gift I can conceive of having from anyone is to be seen by them, heard by them, to be understood and touched by them.”
About Me
My background
When I was a child and an adolescent, my friends felt comfortable sharing their feelings and problems – and asking me for advice. It was so rewarding to find out that my guidance helped them.
When I made my decision to go to college, it was not easy to choose between two different careers, architecture or psychology.
Therefore, while living in Argentina, I became both an Architect and Psychologist. Today, I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the USA, with over 25 years of experience and a profound knowledge of Psychodynamic Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Couples Therapy.
Both careers have helped me understand the whole human, the beauty of both the structure from the outside and the nature inside.
My nature
No professional develops by themselves. I felt and feel inspired by Virginia Satir, Irvin Yalom, and John Gottman.
When people come to my office, they will encounter a professional who will help them develop their full potential. I am warm and empathetic, and I understand the mental suffering of people who want to change and do not know how to do it.
I went through many changes myself, including changing careers, becoming a full-time therapist, and moving to a different country. Although I am bilingual speaking both English and Spanish, moving to a new country and experiencing a new culture created its own challenges.
Therefore, I understand you, and know I can help you!!!
Contact me today at (305) 343-2878, so we can start finding ways to fulfill your dreams.