What an impact it had on my life!
The first time I learned about Transactional Analysis was as a young adult looking for help, clarification, and growth.
I started individual and group therapy with Dr. Kertesz and Dr. Savorgnan who brought Transactional Analysis to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Such a discovery!
I found it so helpful that I thought it should be taught at schools. I still think so.
It gave me the tools to develop and enjoy life as a professional, a wife, and a mother.
What is Transactional Analysis?
It is a theory and an intervention that was developed by Dr. Eric Berne.
It examines a person’s relationships and interactions. It analyzes the connection between the childhood patterns of behavior with our parents and our current relationships in a clear and easy way.
What will it mean to you?
You will learn the structure of your personality and how you interact with others, what kind of script you decided for your life, and how you can change it if it is not what you really want today.
My patients tell me that they learned how to distinguish between positive and negative strokes and that they know not to get involved in toxic relationships at work, with friends, or with their partners.
I feel myself free and happy!
That is what I heard from Ruth when she completed her therapy sessions.
She explained: "Now I am autonomous. I made decisions that help me to grow as a person and as a professional. I improved my relationship with my husband and my children, and I am able to be in the here and now – and enjoy my life."
You are in the right place.
Give me a call at (305) 343-2878, and I will be honored to help you along your journey to a new place.